mlxR - Simulation of Longitudinal Data
Simulation and visualization of complex models for longitudinal data. The models are encoded using the model coding language 'Mlxtran' and automatically converted into C++ codes. That allows one to implement very easily complex ODE-based models and complex statistical models, including mixed effects models, for continuous, count, categorical, and time-to-event data.
Last updated 2 years ago
6.28 score 19 stars 67 scripts 420 downloadsRsmlx - R Speaks 'Monolix'
Provides methods for model building and model evaluation of mixed effects models using 'Monolix' <>. 'Monolix' is a software tool for nonlinear mixed effects modeling that must have been installed in order to use 'Rsmlx'. Among other tasks, 'Rsmlx' provides a powerful tool for automatic PK model building, performs statistical tests for model assessment, bootstrap simulation and likelihood profiling for computing confidence intervals. 'Rsmlx' also proposes several automatic covariate search methods for mixed effects models.
Last updated 9 months ago
3.96 score 4 stars 19 scripts 775 downloads